New Orleans Sampler #One SOLD
canvas, acrylic, thread, copper wire, staples, paper, found objects 60”h x 66”w
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Flow: A Portrait of the Mississippi River from St. James to Plaquemines
canvas, acrylic, thread, bobby pins
3'h x 11'l x 2"d
The City that Almost Disappeared
tracing paper, Duralar, graphite, staples,
ceramic grog, thread, colored pencils
4'h x 6'w
Katrina's Garden SOLD
canvas, acrylic, thread,ceramic grog, wood,
embroidery thread, copper wire, rug lathing
window screening, twine, acrylic gel
50"h x 50"w
Not Your Mother's Apron
bicycle tire tubing, window screening,
vinyl, polyester ruffle yardage, acrylic paint,
produce bags, wool felt
30"h x 28"w
Not Your Mother's Apron #2
bicycle tire tubing, window screening fabric, vinyl, polyester ruffle yardage, wool felt, electrical parts, acrylic paint, thread, produce bags
41"h x 15"w
Not Your Mother's Apron #4
bicycle tire tubing, canvas, burlap,
used electric kiln elements, electrical findings
produce bags, vinyl
35"h x 29"w